It has already been such a busy week!
I took my first lesson with Andrea and I feel so much better about my horse and our progress. I also had lessons last night with Xander Tanner, Alexis, and Lia, all who rode beautifully. Shawnna, Andrea, Shannon and I went to Equus Now and it is WAY expensive! If you don't want to spend tons of money, just don't bother going. They do sell top-of-the-line stuff and it was cool to see so much english riding gear in one place.
The barn is packed and Steve has been busy building HUGE stalls for Jasper and Reuben, who start training this week. I don't know where we are going to find tack to fit them!
Tonight is Megan's first official lesson and tomorrow I will be working with all of the training horses, so I should be at the barn most of the day.