Thursday, July 26, 2007

horsey dentist and cute boyfriend

Today was fun at the barn. The vet came to float Spike's teeth and he was adorable - he almost fell over, but he was very good and stood still for his shot. My sweet little pony - I just can't wait until the chiropractor comes on the 8th and he has no more excuses! I will ride you horse! I keep imagining that he might just sprout wings and we will fly off into the sky together. Too much Harry Potter for me. And a couple of cute pictures of my equally handsome boyfriend. My grandpa is still in the hospital, still hanging on, but life seems to be calming down for me this week.

Monday, July 16, 2007


are a great anti-depressant.

Ug. too much stress, pain, anxiety today.

I love you all of my friends. thank you.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Grandpa, etc.

My grandpa is dying of brain cancer, but I feel so blessed and lucky that he is having a temporary come-back...if only for a couple of days. He came home with hospice care today and will hopefully remain there until he passes. I had a wonderful couple of hours with him, talking - sometimes he is confused and sometimes he is totally lucid. I got to watch him walk up his own stairs to his house and meet my grandma at the door this afternoon. And lay in his own bed, and eat her food, and kiss her, and tell all of us that he loved us. Thank you world for this gift. This is a corny update, and poorly written...but I am without words to express my gratitude and joy for today.

Thank you family. Thank you all of my beloved friends. Thank you gracie and baraka and spike. Thank you to every person who has been kind and loving to me throughout this time. I will be here all week, going between the barn and their house. I rode Maizy tonight - one of the horses we are leasing. She is fantastic!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Important updates

I want you all to know that Shawnna Zupko RN hacked my blog and posted that last lovely message about how great I am. That was not me! Shawnna, you are an evil evil woman...and I did gallop your horse all over the pasture - without boots! Ha!

A couple of things: My grandpa is in the hospital and will not be with us for very long. He has brain cancer that has spread all over his body and we are just trying to make him comfortable for the next few days. My grandparents are like parents to me, so this is really serious and sad for my family and me. I cancelled riding lessons for Thursday night, but I intend to keep the scheduled lessons for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If he does pass away, I may need to be with my grandma so I wanted to let everybody know.

I will be spending most of next week with my grandma but will be availible during certain hours which I will post when we find out what will happen with my grandpa. My grandpa is an amazing man and he will be one of the main characters in my memoir! He is a retired heart surgeon, and cardiologist who always pushed me to take lots of math and science and never gave up hope that I would follow in his footsteps and become a doctor. When I was in high school, he paid me $10 per page to color a human anatomy coloring book. I didn't choose a medical profession, but in one of his lucid moments today, he told me that he was very proud of the article in the Columbus Dispatch. I will write much more about him in the future - there are so many funny stories about him - I don't know where to begin. But he has had a wonderful life and my family is coming together in his last days to be beside him as he leaves this world.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I love everyone at my barn. I feel so lucky to get to work with all of you. Be sure to buy lots of Dispatch copies when our article comes out. I think it will be Tuesday morning.

Some notes on these pictures. Amish horse from Amish country, where I went with Jezzie, Maddie, and Alicia. What a great thing to do with your girlfriends. I think husbands will probably hate it.

Shawnna riding Sunni - she CANTERED almost around a corner!

Toads at Harvest Moon - as long as the toads survive, there is hope for the earth.

I forget the other picture.

I love living in the country but my neighbors across the street won't stop riding a motorcycle in circles around their trailer house for hours at a time. The kids who do it obviously are not allowed to ride them on roads, but I am becoming a rageaholic and am having dreams about melting their motorcycles in my trash burning barrel. WHat should I do? If I talk to them, perhaps they will kill me or do it more. THey do it in bare feet and pajamas. All day. ALL day!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!

I have a new phone number, by the way. I will still have my old phone for some time, but the new number is

Much better reception with Cingular than Sprint. I loathe sprint. Despise sprint.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am okay now

Nothing exciting happened with Nadeen. She just bolted and my knee hit the rail - I already have arthritis in that knee so it continues to hurt. Today has been much better - we practiced yoga with some of the horses and I really am looking forward to tomorrow. I practiced yoga on Spike and I am sore from all of the stretching!

Going to finish typing some notes for tomorrow.

Friday, July 6, 2007

oh what a long day

hi everybody. Such a long day today. Thanks to Linds and Mad for all your help - I couldn't do it without you guys.

I am going to not complain, but today was frustrating and exhausting. The horses were all pretty wonderful except Denver. Sorry Abby.

Tomorrow only two lessons and then I will be completely focused on preparing for yoga on Sunday. I need to channel some positive energy. My knee hurts from the little Nadeen incident and I am very nervous to be the barn manager for ten days.

I love spike. I LOVE spike! He gets me through even the toughest days. The Dispatch is coming to watch yoga. The reporter is super friendly and likes horses, so it should be fun and not too stressful. Her name is Lisa, so introduce yourselves!

Monday, July 2, 2007


No roosters! Don't worry, Just chickens with nice eggs for breakfast. And a pony or draft. I want a pony or draft horse, so let me know if you all come across any. YOUNG and healthy - I can break. Just young and healthy.


Let's see: Monty, Prince, Kut and DIamond, The Lovely Nadeen, Sunni, and of course Cursive and Spike when I have time to work with them. Spike keeps throwing shoes. The farrier is going to kill me. I love our farrier - Dale. Dale is the best farrier in the world. I kind of have a crush on him too. I just want him to talk hooves to me all day.

The move was fantastic - paying movers is always a good idea. Best money I have spent in a long time.

Thank you to everyone (Jezzie, Rocky, Shawnna, Brian, Abby, Alicia and all of you) who were so kind to offer your help with the move. We are very happy and LOVE the new house. Please come visit - only five minutes from Harvest Moon!

More soon, but call me if you want to get in touch with me because I am only able to check mail once per day until time warner comes to set up the wireless.