Well, here are a couple more pictures of Luke and me. He is an un-started, 6-y/o, 3/4 thoroughbred who I purchased from a dressage trainer in Bucyrus. I am already crazy about him - he has such a great personality! Putting the saddle on today, so we'll see how it goes.
In other news, Spike is doing great and I actually think I am going to be able to sell him - yes, SELL him! After consulting with our vet and working him the past three days, we think he will be perfect for a light youth or adult intermediate to advanced rider. We are going to have some additional tests done on him just to be sure, but he looks pretty good!
Ohhhh that second picture should be on a website! Right smack dab in the middle of the front page. LOL!!
He is GOREGOUS. What a beauty. I can't wait to see how he rides!!
Yey, my friend! I hope he brings you years of happiness and blue ribbons.
Love you,
Congratulations, Kristen!! He sounds like he'll be a lot of fun to train! Hope to see/talk to you soon!!
Kristen, I 100% agree with Shawnna. Use that picture on your website!! It's awesome. What wonderful, handsome, strong photographer must have taken that???
Very nice-looking horse. Congratulations! I can't wait to meet him.
Thanks, all. Actually, I'm going to have to take credit for that photo. I'm thrilled that it turned out as beautiful as it did! The lighting was perfect. Of course, you couldn't ask for any better subjects :)
Luke is a doll, Kristen. I can't wait to see what you do with him!
Oh is that Luke? OMG his hair look sooo shiny! lol anyway i wanted to say kristen that i have a blog now it is:
its not www. because i forgot the. and now i dont no how to change my url
kk cant wait to c u wensday!
luvvvv MeGaN
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