is really long. but when Shawnna and I went to pick up Harley from Kenyon yesterday, we found this puppy on the highway. I was going to keep him because he was lovely and sweet, but then the puppy saw the grandpa and it was true love. So now the puppy is clean and warm and has been named Jack and sometimes things just happen the way they're supposed to.
And zillions of pics of Shawnna's pony coming soon. We are already fighting over him. want nice slow trotting pony.....
The stinky highway puppy is now clean and well loved - and our karma added a few points. He was so cute, but Baraka and Gracie would have been very displeased.
Hands off Harley, Hassen. Why do I have an inkling that when I am at work, Harley will be the Hassen Horse??
I am going to padlock his stall.
Wait... one more thing... you took this picture with your camera, right? The mysterious camera that you keep leaving at the barn?
Faker! Where are my Harley pictures!!!!???
Yeah! Where are the pics?? I've been keeping up with you two through your blogs, so you have to post soon! Miss you guys :-(
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