Sunday, March 9, 2008


Okay, so several people have been teasing me about how many pictures on my blog include me. Since it is my blog, I feel justified in this, and I like to add visual images to the stories I am always telling.

The following pictures, for example, are to prove that I am a super badass horse trainer who is so dedicated that I work even on the tail end of the historical March 2008 Ohio Blizzard.

Okay, maybe not badass exactly. Maybe more like girl in snow with way too many ropes and a spunky warmblood on either side.

These are of Mondavi and Spyder...the new BFFs at BC. And me. Of course.

1 comment:

Me said...

Awww look how cute they are together! You are amazing and so are our horses! Thanks for putting them up!

p.s. I am soo stealing these, lol!