Monday, April 28, 2008


Hi everybody! Since this is my personal blog, and mostly friends, colleagues and family, I thought I would ask for your help. I am redoing some of my website and I need to put up some new pictures.

If you go to

you will see ALL of my pictures. There are a ton of horse pictures but there are also family pics you can just ignore. Please select your favorites or ones that you would like to see on the website and email copies to me or give me the roll and number of the photos. I would love to put client pictures up, so if you see ones of yourself that you like, I will use them.

Also, if you haven't given a testimonial for the site and would like to, I would be grateful for anything you have to say. I am also taking suggestions and constructive criticism about the website, so please share your input!

Thanks so much for taking the time to help!

One more thing: We have another show on May 18 at Redtail Ridge in Johnstown. This is a combined event and I will say more about it on the kh blog. Please see for more information.

Happy Riding!

Friday, April 25, 2008

quick update

Hi Everyone,

Busy season has certainly started, and Bob and I are working really long days. Please try to schedule lessons at least a week in advance or even two.

I bought a new horse today! Her name is Lady and she is a gaited mare of Bob's. Pictures coming soon! Not sure where she is going to live yet, but I can't wait to get started working with her.

Congrats Rebecca and the Chapman family on their new horse. She is a chocolate Rocky Mountain horse named Coco and watching Rebecca ride her makes me smile.

I will be working in Johnstown tomorrow and going to Athens to see a horse for a client on Sunday, so have a great weekend everyone if I don't happen to see you.

ps. time for fly masks and fly spray everyone....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Baraka

was euthanized this afternoon. She got much much worse last night and I knew that it was time.

She was truly my best and one of my oldest friends and I will miss her more than I can say.

Thank you Shawnna, for being there, like always, when I really needed my friend.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Poor Baraka....

Is super blind. I think she can still see light, but she bumps into everything and can't find her way outdoors or back inside. I just don't know how you tell when it is time. She seems relatively happy and okay, and she is healthy with the insulin, but I am sad for her. She isn't even eleven. Have any of you had a dog with diabetes? I don't know why the blindness came on so quickly. The vet says as long as we don't move the furniture she will be fine. I guess that means that moving again might be a problem. Dear old baraka. She has been with me longer than anyone except my family.

Foxtail Farm Show...

.....was awesome! Pictures galore at

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thank you Bob!

I rode Spyder today. Outdoors. With a rope halter. trotting. I still can't believe it and I just want to go back and ride him some more.

The picture in the woods is of Harley and Spyder grazing in the sun. But then Cursive came back today. She and Spyder ran away together. Literally. Around the farm, the neighbor's farm, across the street. Thanks to the help and daring of a brave young rider on her horse Simmy, we were able to catch them before anyone got hurt.

Now Spyder has a girlfriend and says his days of being ridden are over and that Harley better not try to move in on his lady friend. That mustache of Harley's does tend to draw the women...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Equine Affair

Picture is all of us at Equine Affair on Sunday. We got to see Clinton Anderson, do lots of shopping, and eat awful fair food!

We had a blast at Equine Affair and we are all so excited for the show at Foxtail Farms this coming weekend. Please be sure to stop by if you get a chance! Foxtail is on 36 East of Blues Creek.

Friday, April 4, 2008