Hi everybody! Since this is my personal blog, and mostly friends, colleagues and family, I thought I would ask for your help. I am redoing some of my website and I need to put up some new pictures.
If you go to
you will see ALL of my pictures. There are a ton of horse pictures but there are also family pics you can just ignore. Please select your favorites or ones that you would like to see on the website and email copies to me or give me the roll and number of the photos. I would love to put client pictures up, so if you see ones of yourself that you like, I will use them.
Also, if you haven't given a testimonial for the site and would like to, I would be grateful for anything you have to say. I am also taking suggestions and constructive criticism about the website, so please share your input!
Thanks so much for taking the time to help!
One more thing: We have another show on May 18 at Redtail Ridge in Johnstown. This is a combined event and I will say more about it on the kh blog. Please see www.redtailridge.com for more information.
Happy Riding!
ooh i'll make a testimonial! i like the picture in your post, and i also like:
http://picasaweb.google.com/Kristenhassen/SpyderBobKristenApril/photo#5194416409904774930 ( i dont know how to fine the roll or number so i'll just post the links)
http://picasaweb.google.com/Kristenhassen/SpyderBobKristenApril/photo#5194415396292492706 (this ones reallllyyy pretty)
all of them are great though
Hi, Im not a client of yours but I do read your blogs. I love horses.
I quickly went through most of your images and these are the following faves in no particular order...
-you and spyder #117 in Jan 08 Barn folder
-2 horses grazing #23 April 08 horse pics folder
-You & spyder #68, also #48 and Bob #139 in spyder bob kristen April folder
-you on a paint horse #25 in summer 07 ride folder.
Some pics with Cursive are nice too. Good luck with the designing.
Hey! So I don't know your phone number! But I would love to come over and show you Lila. I really need to sell her with this new horse. I will miss her, but she needs a fun show home! Could you send me your number so we can get together? Thank you so much! Are you at the new barn yet? I will talk to you later!
you need to send me YOUR favorite picture of your horse...I had wanted to take some for u, but now I need a Spyder picture to paint.
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