We're home! Got back from Marc's mom's wedding in Manhattan this afternoon. Thanks Shawnna and Brian SO much for watching the terror puppy and gracie. We had a great time - I have been with Marc to NYC twice in the winter but it is so much more beautiful in the summer. We walked and shopped and ate and walked and walked and it was terribly romantic and I am glad I don't live there because I would be very poor. The worst part of the trip was the Museum of Natural History, a place that I always kind of hate, but they had a special history of the horse exhibit that was boring. The gift shop for the exhibit was larger than the exhibit itself and stuffed animals really don't do it for me. I mean taxidermy stuffed. and skeletons lots and lots of skeletons. The best part was outside and free - big painted horses that you weren't allowed to ride on. What fun is that?
Spyder is much better and has a clean prognosis and should be able to do anything I want to do. He hates me right now because he has been left in a stall for two weeks for recovery, but we will soon be hacking again! Back to work tomorrow. Oh, and we are moving. Back to Clintonville, I think, because we can't find anywhere decent around here and aren't rich enough to rent in Dublin. Plus, landlords in Dublin do not like Great Danes!
Updates coming soon.
Le Pain - still my favorite NYC food.

Marc, me, Esther, Bill, Dora (Marc's grandma) and Marc's new step-sister, Angela.

1 comment:
hi, kristen! again, i really enjoyed meeting you and i loved reading your posts and seeing the pics! so thanks, countrygirl!
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