In other news:
1. Spyder bucked me off again. Road rash and a boyfriend who has made me swear to wear my protective vest every time I ride him. Such a jerky horse with an admirably strong buck to him.
2. We finally found the perfect house. On Harrison Street in Victorian Village, our new rental property features a chef's kitches, four lovely bedrooms, a privacy-fenced yard, a huge front porch - it is probably the fanciest place I have ever lived. I am excited to:
a. take walks on streets with actually sidewalks.
b. to eat food that is not from Wal-Mart, McDonalds, or Applebees.
d. to move away from our motorcycle maniac neighbors.
e. to wear something other than breeches and boots.
I will miss:
a. the country (even though we live in the ghetto-on-the-highway version of country)
b. living so close to my dear friend Shawnna and having to drive farther for Fajita night.
c. naming crops out loud to Marc everywhere we go.
d. being totally isolated with the boy and our little family - I am not looking forward to his grad. school social life picking up again.
e. having some healthy distance from a sometimes emotionally wrought lifetime spent in Columbus.
I have no plans to move Spyder at this point mostly because I don't think I will be nearly as happy at any other barn anywhere but I might have to over the winter. We are moving September 1, so lots to do before then. People keep asking me how I am going to do all the driving from Columbus, but what they don't realize is how much driving I do from Marysville. I work everywhere in the area from Grove City, to Powell, to Johnstown, so Columbus might not be much more difficult than Marysville.
The business is going better than ever and I think I am finding my niche in this crazy horse world. I have been going to so many different barns and meeting wonderful people and awesome horses everywhere I go, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings! My only goals are to hire a marketing guru and to become a tougher businesswoman.
I am going to the auction at LaRue the last Saturday of this month if anyone would like to join me! Looking for a good Western training saddle. I was there today working with Kristi and Mondavi, who are doing great together!

omg that is soo sad. where are you moving, like how far away from colombus is it? sounds like a reallllyyy nice house
cu 2moro
Don't Go!
You stink. Victorian Village. Bah.
Poor Gracie.
Once again, you stink.
Poor Gracie! I hope those other dog's owners are picking up the vet bill! You and your vets...jesus Kristen. Sending love. I am excited for your move...sounds nice. But when you talked about naming crops to Marc I actually laughed out loud because I have the best memories of you, Bob, and I driving around in that truck looking left to right as we passed fields and going "pop- quiz...what's that?!" "wheat!" "hay" "straw" "corn" "hay" "wheat"! Good times mommy dearest.
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