Saturday, February 13, 2010

V-Day Weekend 2010

Saturday, December 12, 2009

family 09

Friday, September 25, 2009

We're getting married!!!

No date set yet, but super excited - we got engaged in San Diego last week. Yay!!! Need a wedding venue asap!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Holy Crap

Yep, that's my Spyder!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

before horses.....

Came the parrots. My whole entire world was parrots. Magia, Coco, and Nevin. they had their own room, their own outdoor aviary, their own section of the refrigerator. Most people who read this blog never met the parrots. They are all happily living in the best homes in the world. I spent many months making sure they would be in a sanctuary like environment with plenty of room to fly and other avian companions. But after they ate all the woodwork (door frames included) in my apartment and chewed the walls down, and bit my toes one too many times, I knew that I just couldn't have parrots while renting. Horses are much easier, you know.

Next exotic pet: mink

and still down memory lane....

winter procrastination

1. Winter is not so great for riding. Yes, it's beautiful - I would love to be riding in the snow. But there is a layer of ice underneath the snow and I just imagine my horse freaking out and falling on top of me, breaking his leg and mine. So stuck in the indoor, which has gotten to be really really boring.

2. I haven't taken pictures lately because my camera is broken and even though I have a three year warranty, target won't take it back. They are jerks. So, I am going to take marc's camera to the barn this week.

3. So I am going to post some pictures that make me laugh...old, pre-blog goes:parrots, baraka, good times