Monday, January 14, 2008


I bought Rock Legend ("Spyder")! He arrives on Wednesday from Indiana. I have a bunch of barn related updates posted at

but I wanted to tell friends and family here. He is a five-year-old Trakehner gelding from Missouri. I will be posting way too many pictures as soon as I get them.

Other news:

Baraka is growing weaker...I am just giving her time and attention in these last couple of weeks/months.

For those of you who were at the barn when I hopped off the horse, jumped in the care, and flew to Columbus because my mom was sick, thanks for all of your help and the nice notes and phone calls. She is home and feeling much better.

Lots more coming in the next couple of days......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Spyder has a new home! I'm Jen and I do the website for Loon Creek (which happens to be having issues right now). I saw you at the barn briefly when you tried Spyder. Oh - take good care of him! I'd love to hear how he is doing.
